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Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Vanguard uses a robust CI/CD pipeline to ensure code quality. This section covers our CI/CD practices and how to interact with them.

CI/CD Pipeline Overview

Our CI/CD pipeline is designed to automatically test, build, and deploy Vanguard with each push to the main branch or pull request. Here's an overview of the process:

  1. Code Push: Developer pushes code to GitHub.
  2. Code Quality Checks: Static analysis and style checks are performed.
  3. Automated Tests: GitHub Actions runs our test suite.

GitHub Actions

We use GitHub Actions for our CI/CD processes. The configuration can be found in .github/workflows/ in the repository.

Main Workflow

Our main workflow (main.yml) includes the following jobs:

  1. Pest Tests: Runs our Pest test suite.
  2. Dusk Test: Runs our Dusk test suite.
  3. Duster: Checks code style using PHP_CodeSniffer.
  4. Static Analysis: Runs PHPStan for static code analysis.
  5. Rector: Automates PHP code upgrades and refactoring tasks.

Interacting with CI/CD

As a developer, you'll primarily interact with the CI/CD system when you push code or create pull requests. Here are some key points to remember:

  1. Viewing Build Status: You can see the status of your builds directly on GitHub in the "Actions" tab.

  2. Handling Failures: If a build fails, click on the failed job in GitHub Actions to see detailed logs and error messages.

  3. Running Actions Locally: You can use act to run GitHub Actions locally for testing:

    act -j test

Troubleshooting Common CI/CD Issues

  1. Flaky Tests: If you encounter intermittently failing tests, try to reproduce locally and fix the root cause rather than simply re-running the pipeline.

  2. Environment Variables: Ensure all necessary environment variables are correctly set in GitHub Secrets.