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To use the Vanguard API, you need to authenticate your requests using an API token. This document explains how to obtain and use API tokens, as well as the available scopes for fine-grained access control.

Obtaining an API Token

  1. Log in to your Vanguard account.
  2. Navigate to your account settings.
  3. Find the "Manage API Tokens" section.
  4. Click on "Create New Token".
  5. Select the necessary scopes for your intended operations.
  6. Save the token securely - you won't be able to see it again!

Using Your API Token

Include your API token in the Authorization header of each request:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN

Always keep your API token secure and never share it publicly.

API Headers

Include these headers with each request:

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN

Device Endpoint Authentication

Vanguard provides a dedicated endpoint for device authentication, primarily used for mobile apps and other client applications. This endpoint allows you to obtain an API token using email and password credentials.

Enabling the Device Authentication Endpoint

The device authentication endpoint is disabled by default for security reasons. To enable it, set the following environment variable in your .env file:


Endpoint Details

  • URL: /api/sanctum/token
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json

Required Fields

emailstringThe email address of the user
passwordstringThe user's password
device_namestringA name to identify the device

Example Request

POST /api/sanctum/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "email": "",
    "password": "your_secure_password",
    "device_name": "iPhone 16 Pro"

Example Response

If the authentication is successful, you'll receive a JSON response with a token:

    "token": "1|EBu8jQmpsplYoakc4Nt2PMw4jkabRAhKEBn5Zhxs"

Token Scope and Security Considerations

Important: The token generated by this endpoint has full access to all scopes. This means it is a very powerful token with unrestricted access to the API. Please be aware of the following:

This token can perform any action that the user account is capable of. It should be treated with the utmost care and security. It's recommended to use this powerful token only for trusted applications or devices. For applications that don't need full access, consider creating more restricted tokens through the web interface.

Use this token in the Authorization header for subsequent API requests, as described in the "Using Your API Token" section above.

Error Responses

  • If the credentials are incorrect, you'll receive a 422 Unprocessable Entity response with validation errors.
  • If the device authentication endpoint is disabled, you'll receive a 404 Not Found response.

Available Scopes

API tokens can have limited permissions to enhance security. Ensure your token has the necessary scopes for the operations you intend to perform. Available scopes are:

manage-tagsAllows managing of your tags
view-backup-destinationsAllows viewing backup destinations
create-backup-destinationsAllows creating new backup destinations
update-backup-destinationsAllows updating existing backup destinations
delete-backup-destinationsAllows deleting backup destinations
view-remote-serversAllows viewing remote servers
create-remote-serversAllows creating new remote servers
update-remote-serversAllows updating existing remote servers
delete-remote-serversAllows deleting remote servers
view-notification-streamsAllows viewing notification streams
create-notification-streamsAllows creating new notification streams
update-notification-streamsAllows updating existing notification streams
delete-notification-streamsAllows deleting notification streams
view-backup-tasksAllows viewing backup tasks
create-backup-tasksAllows creating new backup tasks
update-backup-tasksAllows updating existing backup tasks
delete-backup-tasksAllows deleting backup tasks
run-backup-tasksAllows the running of backup tasks

When creating or updating an API token, you can select one or more of these scopes to grant the token specific permissions.

Best Practices for API Token Security

  1. Use appropriate scopes: Only request the minimal set of permissions your application needs.
  2. Rotate tokens regularly: Create new tokens and deprecate old ones periodically.
  3. Use environment variables: Store your API tokens in environment variables rather than hardcoding them.
  4. Revoke unused tokens: If you no longer need a token, revoke it immediately.

Remember, your API token is a secret key that grants access to your Vanguard account. Always handle it with care and never expose it in public repositories or client-side code.