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Vanguard Installation Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for installing Vanguard, a web application built on the Laravel framework. Follow the steps below to set up the project.


  • PHP 8.1 or higher
  • Composer
  • Node.js and npm
  • PostgreSQL database
  • Redis
  • Open ports for SSH connections on destination servers

Step-by-Step Installation

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone vanguard
    cd vanguard
  2. Set Up Environment File

    cp .env.example .env

    Edit the .env file to configure your environment:

    • Set database credentials (DB_* variables)
    • Add your email to ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESSES (comma-separated for multiple)
    • Set SSH_PASSPHRASE for your SSH key passphrase
  3. Install PHP Dependencies

    composer install
  4. Generate Application Key

    php artisan key:generate
  5. Run Database Migrations

    php artisan migrate
  6. Generate SSH Key

    php artisan vanguard:generate-ssh-key
  7. Install and Compile Frontend Dependencies

    npm install
    npm run build
  8. Configure GitHub Login (Optional) If you want to enable GitHub login:

    • Create a new GitHub OAuth App at
    • Set the Authorization callback URL to http://your-app-url/auth/github/callback
    • Update your .env file with the GitHub app credentials:
  9. Set Up Reverb for Web Sockets

    php artisan reverb:start

    Please update your .env accordingly, set your domain etc and the ports that Reverb will use. Please see the Reverb website for more details.

  10. Start Horizon

    php artisan horizon

By default, Vanguard will use Horizon to process background jobs such as backup tasks. It is important that Horizon is started for the jobs to be queued.

Your Vanguard application should now be accessible at http://localhost:8000 (or the URL provided by the serve command).

Post-Installation Steps

  1. Create Your Account

    • Navigate to the Vanguard application in your web browser.
    • Register a new account using the registration form or log in with GitHub if configured.
    • After registration, add your email address to the ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESSES list in the .env file to grant admin privileges.
  2. Configure SSH Connections

    • Ensure that the relevant ports are open on the destination servers for SSH connections.
    • Verify that the SSH credentials and configurations in your Vanguard settings are correct.
    • Test the SSH connections to ensure Vanguard can successfully connect to remote servers.

Production Deployment

For production environments, consider the following:


For easier management of Laravel applications in production, we highly recommend using a server management provider such as Ploi or Laravel Forge. These platforms automate many of the deployment steps, handle server provisioning, and provide easy-to-use interfaces for managing your Laravel applications. They can significantly simplify your deployment process and ongoing maintenance.

  1. Web Server Configuration

    • Configure Nginx or Apache to serve your application.
    • Ensure proper permissions on storage and bootstrap/cache directories.
  2. Background Job Processing

    • Start Horizon for production:
      php artisan horizon
    • Set up a process monitor like Supervisor to keep Horizon running.
  3. Scheduled Tasks Add this Cron entry to your server:

    * * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
  4. Environment Optimization

    php artisan config:cache
    php artisan route:cache
    php artisan view:cache
  5. SSL Configuration Ensure you have a valid SSL certificate installed and configured.

  6. Firewall Configuration

    • Configure your firewall to allow incoming connections on the necessary ports for SSH.
    • Ensure that Vanguard can make outgoing SSH connections to your destination servers.


  • If you encounter any issues with web sockets, ensure Reverb is properly configured and running.
  • For database-related problems, verify your database credentials in the .env file.
  • If Horizon isn't processing jobs, check its configuration and ensure it's running.
  • If SSH connections fail, verify that the necessary ports are open and that the SSH credentials are correct.

Updating Vanguard

To update Vanguard to the latest version:

  1. Pull the latest changes:
    git pull origin main
  2. Update dependencies:
    composer update
    npm update
  3. Run migrations:
    php artisan migrate
  4. Rebuild assets:
    npm run build

Remember to check the changelog for any breaking changes or additional update steps.


Always backup your database and project files before performing updates.

For more detailed information, consult the official documentation for Laravel, Reverb, Horizon, and Pulse.